Weight Loss Queens Village | Dr. Vadim Surikov 347-599-9118

Weight Loss Queens Village | Dr. Vadim Surikov 347-599-9118Dr. Vadim Surikov is a leader in the world of weight loss, and his weight loss clinic in New York has become a go-to destination for countless individuals who’re interested in medical weight loss and its many benefits. Dr. Surikov is a weight loss physician who firmly believes that food cravings and hunger are the primary reason why many people find their weight hard to lose. He has made it his mission to help his patients to overcome their dependence on food, thereby helping them to lose the weight and keep it off more permanently. 




There is no denying that many individuals can develop addictions to food. When this occurs, weight gain is impossible to avoid. The person’s weight goes up, leading to other serious and potentially life-threatening conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and the like. When facing a food addiction, the only way to effectively reverse weight gain and prevent the occurrence of these health concerns is to find a way to effectively fight the cravings. 


When researching weight loss physicians, you will want to find a doctor who understands the simple math needed for losing weight, namely you need to eat less than you expend. Although this is easy enough to understand, the reality of saying “no” to your cravings to achieve your weight loss can be far tougher to grasp. Lower calorie consumption leads to hunger. Hunger leads to eating. Sadly, limited calorie consumption and the subsequent hunger can often make many people quit their diets long before they lose the weight. However, with Dr. Surikov’s patented program, patients are able to eat less food and still feel satisfied. Once the hunger has been sated, it becomes far easier to lose the weight. 


Dr. Surikov stands apart form other weight loss specialists in his field, largely due to his innovative, all-natural approach. In fact, many of his patients report that this weight loss doctor and weight loss service are so amazing that the results are almost immediate. Dr. Surikov knows that addressing the hunger is the first step to any successful diet. If you would like to learn more about Dr. Surikov and the weight loss methods he uses or you believe you are ready to begin losing the weight and you would like to schedule a consultation, please do not hesitate to call today at 347-599-9118.


The following blog post was first published to available on Dr. Vadim Surikov. Read more on: http://drvadimsurikov.com Dr. Vadim Surikov